23 ஏப்., 2022
NITI AAYOG was an important feature of policy making and governance in India, although it no longer exists as it replaced the Planning Commission on January 1, 2015, with Jawaharlal Nehru as the Prime Minister. Planning Commission is served as a planning vehicle for close to six decades. It did not derive its creation either from the Constitution or statutes but was an arm of the Central/Union government.
It consists of a
- Chair Person(Prime Minister)
- Vice Chair Person(Appointed by Prime Minister)
- Governing Council(Chief Ministers of all states and Lt. Governors of Union territories)
- Regional Council (They address specific regional issues, comprising of Chief Ministers and Lt. Governors chaired by Prime Minister or his nominee.)
- Adhoc membership (2 members in ex-officio capacity from leading Research institutions on rotational basis)
- Ex-Officio membership (Maximum four from Union council of ministers to be nominated by Prime Minister- FINANCE MINISTER AND PLANNING MINISTER)
- Chief Executive Officer (Appointed by Prime Minister for a fixed tenure, in rank of the Secretary to Government of India)
- Special invitees(Experts, Specialists with domain knowledge nominated by Prime Minister)
Niti Aayogs entire range of activities is divided into two main hubs
- Team India Hub
- Knowledge and Innovation Hub
1. Team India Hub : It acts as interface between States and Centre. It carries out the authorization of further cooperative federalism and designing policy and programming programme frameworks.
2. Knowledge and Innovation Hub : It builds the think-tank awareness of NITI Aayog. This maintains a state-of-the-art resource centre, a repository of research on good governance and best practices, provides advice and encourages partnerships with key stakeholders, including colleges, universities, think tanks and non-governmental organisations at home and abroad.
- The 65 year old Planning Commission had become a more than enough organization. It was relevant in a command economy structure, but not any longer.
- NITI Aayog is the premier policy think tank of the Government of India, providing directional and policy inputs.
- Apart from designing strategic and long-term policies and programmes for the Government of India, NITI Aayog also provides relevant technical advice to the Centre, States, and Union Territories.
- To foster cooperative federalism through structured support initiatives and mechanisms with the States on a continuous basis, recognizing that strong States make a strong nation.
- To develop mechanisms to plan at the village level and add these at higher levels of government.
- To offer a platform for resolution of inter-sectoral and inter-departmental issues to speed up the implementation of the development agenda.
- To create a knowledge, innovation and entrepreneurial support system through a collaborative community of national and international experts, practitioners and other partners.
- To focus on technology upgradation and capacity building for implementation of programmes and initiatives.
- To design strategic and long term policy and programme frameworks and initiatives, and monitor their progress and their efficacy. The lessons learnt through monitoring and feedback will be used for making innovative improvements, including necessary mid-course corrections.
- To maintain a state-of-the-art Resource Centre, be a repository of research on good governance and best practices in sustainable and equitable development as well as help their dissemination to stake holders.
- To actively monitor and evaluate the implementation of programmes and initiatives, including the identification of the needed resources so as to strengthen the probability of success and scope of delivery.
Comparison between Planning Commission & Niti Aayog |
15 ஏப்., 2022
Recently, India unveiled the Account Aggregator (AA) network, a financial data-sharing system that could revolutionize investing and credit, given the potential pool of customers for lenders and fintech companies.
Account Aggregator
An Account Aggregator (AA) is a type of RBI regulated entity (with an NBFC-AA license) that helps an individual securely and digitally access and share information from one financial institution they have an account with to any other regulated financial institution in the AA network. Data cannot be shared without the consent of the individual. It also gives an Individual to choose an Account Aggregator among many.
What's there for an average person?
Our system if filled with hassles today. To ease this a bit, the Account Aggregator network will replace the tedious Paper Process with a easy to use safe digital data access & sharing process.
Data Security
Gradually the AA framework will make all financial data available for sharing, including tax data, pensions data, securities data (mutual funds and brokerage), and insurance data will be available to consumers. But Account Aggregators cannot see the data. All they can do is take the data from one financial Institution to another based on Individual's direction and consent. The data AAs share is encrypted by the sender and can be decrypted only by the recipient.
Way Forward
The two key services that will see a rise is Improved access to loans and access to money management. If a customer wants to get a small business or personal loan today, there are many documents that need to be shared with the lender. Through Account Aggregator, a company can access tamper-proof secure data quickly and cheaply, and fast track the loan evaluation process so that a customer can get a loan. Also, a customer may be able to access a loan without physical collateral, by sharing trusted information on a future invoice or cash flow directly from a government system like GST or GeM.
12 ஏப்., 2022
Considering the Importance of Agricultural sector in the economy The Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare conducts Agriculture Census since 1970-71 (Base year). Periodic Agriculture Censuses are Important as these are the main source of Information on basic characteristics of operational holdings such as land-use, cropping pattern, irrigation status, tenancy and dispersal of holdings etc. An agricultural operational holding is the ultimate unit for taking decision for development of Agriculture at micro level. Agriculture Census is carried out in three phases as a Central sector Scheme under which 100% financial assistance is provided to states/Union territories.
Agricultural Census - Phases :
Phase-I : a list of holdings with their area and social characteristics and gender of the holders is prepared.
Phase-II : Detailed data on tendency, Land use, Irrigation status, area under different crops etc. are collected.
Phase-III : Known as Input survey, relates to collection of data of Input use across various crops, states in addition to data on agriculture credit, implements, live stocks and seeds.