Agriculture லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி
Agriculture லேபிளுடன் இடுகைகளைக் காண்பிக்கிறது. அனைத்து இடுகைகளையும் காண்பி

Minimum Support Price (MSP) - UPSC

 At the beginning of every sowing season, the Government of India declares Minimum Support Price for 22 crops at which the government purchases from farmers/producers. It gives a guaranteed price and assured market to the farmers by protecting them from Market fluctuations and imperfections.

Minimum Support Price :

   During the mid-1960 when the Green revolution was helping the government was fighting against the food deficit that India faced, the government realised that unless the crops were guaranteed a minimum support price the farmers won't be motivated to plant high-yielding varieties of Paddy and Wheat crops. MSP was fixed beginning with Wheat.
   The government of India sets MSP twice a year. It is recommended by the Commission of Agricultural Costs & Prices which is under the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The recommendations are of advisory nature and it is not binding on the government. 

Calculation of MSP:

   The commission takes various factors while calculating the MSP like
  • Cost of Production
  • Trends in Market Prices
  • Changes in Input prices
  • Input-output Price Parity
  • Effect on the cost of living
  • International price situation
  • Demand & Supply
  • Effect on issue prices & Implications of subsidy

An Analysis on UPSC optional Papers Performance - Porul

UPSC Conducts the Civil Services exam in three stages. While selecting the Optional Subjects which form a part of the Mains Exam (Second stage) many aspirants get confused about choosing the right one. Still, it is pretty natural to get confused given the nature of the UPSC Exam. This article may act as a helping hand in the process of Choosing the one Optional which is going to play a crucial role in clearing the Examination.

1. Agriculture 

 Agriculture is one of the preferred optional subjects in the UPSC Civil services Mains Exam. Candidates from Agriculture, Botany, and Zoology backgrounds prefer to select it due to its Scoring Nature. Paper 1 covers Ecology, Agronomy, Weed Science, Forestry, Soil Science and nutrient management, soil and water conservation, Agriculture economics and Agricultural Extension. 

While paper 2 covers cell Biology, Plant Breeding, Seed production and technology, Plant Physiology, Horticulture and landscape gardening, food production and nutrient management.

Image Depicting Agriculture Sucess rates over Past UPSC Exams

2. Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science

    Animal Husbandry is nothing but taking care of Farm animals by Humans. Veterinary Science is the treatment of Animals by Humans. People with veterinary science as a background with an Interest in Biology mostly Choose Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Science as an Optional Subject.

Paper 1 of the optional Subject deals with Animal Nutrition, Animal Physiology,  Animal reproduction, Livestock production and management, genetics and animal breeding, and Extension. While paper 2 deals with Anatomy, Pharmacology and Hygiene, animal diseases, Veterinary Public health, Milk and Milk products Technology, meat Hygiene and technology.

Note: The Success of the year 2019 is 18.8%

3. Anthropology

    Anthropology is a popular choice among aspirants coming from Engineering or Science Backgrounds. Though the syllabus is compact, the subject demands a high conceptual clarity. The National Geographic describes Anthropology as the study of humanity through the application of biology, cultural studies, archaeology, linguistics, and other social sciences. The Subject has shot into huge famous after Anudeep Durisheety (AIR1), Sachin Gupta (AIR3), and Koya Sree Harsha (AIR6) Scored top ranks in 2017 with Anthropology as an Optional Subject. You can refer to his website where he has listed out his Plan and Book List - anudeepdurisheety

   Paper1 syllabus includes 
  • Meaning, Scope and development of Anthropology - Relationships with other disciplines, Main branches of Anthropology - their scope and relevance, Human Evolution and emergence of Man etc., Nature of Culture, Nature of Society, Marriage, Family, Kinship, Economic organization, Political Organization and social control, Religion, Anthropological theories, Culture, language and communication, Research methods in Anthropology, Human Genetics, Epidemiological Anthropology and Applications of Anthropology etc.
Paper2 Syllabus contains
  • Evolution of the Indian Culture and Civilization, Palaeo, Ethno-archaeology in India, Demographic profile of India, the Caste system in India, Indian Village, Tribal situation in India, Problems of the Tribal Communities.

4. Botany

   Botany is mostly considered for the Optional Paper by the students from Botany Stream and its allied backgrounds. Though Botany is a conceptual subject and is chosen by less number of aspirants compared to subjects like Geography, Public Administration, Sociology etc it stands as a good scoring subject. So, if you have a flair for plants and most importantly for science, you might consider it before finalising your optional subject.

   Paper-1 Syllabus includes 
  • Microbiology and Plant Pathology, Cryptogams, Phanerogams, Plant Resource Development and Morphogenesis.
Paper-2 Syllabus includes
  • Cell Biology, Genetics, Molecular Biology and Evolution, Plant Breeding, Biotechnology and Biostatistics, Physiology and Biochemistry, Ecology and Plant Geography.

Agricultural census - Porul

   Considering the Importance of Agricultural sector in the economy The Department of Agriculture, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers welfare conducts Agriculture Census since 1970-71 (Base year). Periodic Agriculture Censuses are Important as these are the main source of Information on basic characteristics of operational holdings such as land-use, cropping pattern, irrigation status, tenancy and dispersal of holdings etc. An agricultural operational holding is the ultimate unit for taking decision for development of Agriculture at micro level. Agriculture Census is carried out in three phases as a Central sector Scheme under which 100% financial assistance is provided to states/Union territories.

Agricultural Census - Phases : 

   Phase-I : a list of holdings with their area and social characteristics and gender of the holders is prepared.
  Phase-II : Detailed data on tendency, Land use, Irrigation status, area under different crops etc. are collected.
Phase-III : Known as Input survey, relates to collection of data of Input use across various crops, states in addition to data on agriculture credit, implements, live stocks and seeds.