16 ஜூலை, 2024
Group 2,
Group-2 Mains,
TNPSC Group-2 Mains Paper 2
General Studies
- Answer not exceeding 50 words each
- Each question carries six marks
- Answer any fifteen questions out of eighteen questions in section 1 and 2
Section 1 :
1.Write about the impact of Covid 19 in Environment. (6)
2.Define the following: (6)
(a) Endangered (E)
(b) Vulnerable (V)
(c) Threatened (T)
3. What are the challenges and bottlenecks faced by Indian electricity sector? (6)
4. Which are the coastal regions of India are under threat due to rising in sea level. (6)
5. Discuss and write the relative order of acid strength of the following oxyacids in the
ascending order :
(a) HClO, HClO2, HClO3 and HClO4
(b) HNO3, HNO2 and HNO (6)
6. List out the role of FAO, WHO and UNICEF towards human welfare. (6)
7. Mention the risks associated with Genetic Engineering of microbes to the
environment. (6)
8. Write short notes on the following:
(a) Biojet Fuel (3)
(b) Electronic Voting Machine (3)
9. Write about the role of the following:
(a) Atomic Power Station, Kalpakkam
(b) Mission Shakthi.
Section 2:
10. Why Micro Labs Ltd was in news in 2022? (6)
11. What is the aim of Digital Ecosystem for Skilling and Livelihood's
DESH - stack e-portal ? (6)
12. Discuss in detail Digital Transformation in Indian Agri sector. (6)
13. Explain the various schemes for Socio Economic Development of
Community in Tamilnadu. (6)
14. List out the important legislative measures initiated so far as well as the
institutional structures established to tackle the menace of corruption in India. (6)
15. In disaster management the role of cooperative federalism is crucial. How far the
principles of cooperative federalism were incorporated in the recent COVID 19
disaster management? Evaluate their outcomes. (6)
16. Explain Civil Services Day. (6)
17. What are the sociological factors that lead to domestic violence? (6)
18. Briefly explain the following basic elements of Networking : (6)
(a) Network services
(b) Transmission media
(c) Protocols.
- Answer not exceeding 150 words each
- Each question carries twelve marks
- Answer any ten questions out of twelve questions.
19. Write a note on the following : (3 x 4 = 12)
(a) Chief Minister’s Breakfast Scheme
(b) Green Tamil Nadu Mission
(c) The Nilgiri Tahr Project.
20. Discuss the principles of Budgeting. (12)
21. Explain in detail : (12)
(a) Incredible India
(b) Pradhan Mantri Ujjwala Yojana (PMUY)
(c) India’s Target for $ 5 Trillion Economy.
22. Analyse the advantages and disadvantages of State Control over the Hindu temples. (12)
23. Already there is a District Rural Development Agency that looks after development
administration at district level. However, yet another organization called District
Development Coordination and Monitoring Committee has been created. Explain the
rationale behind it and distinguish the new organisation from the earlier one. (12)
24. Explain how Tamil Nadu bagged National Krishi Karman Award for five times. (12)
25. Examine on Child Welfare activities in India. (12)
26. Write a note on Industrial Corridors of Tamilnadu. (12)
27. What are ‘B’ Complex Vitamins? Enumerate the biological functions of these
Why are B-Complex vitamin essential? (12)
28. "International Year of Millets 2023” – Discuss. (12)
29. What is graphene and who discovered it?
Explain in detail the latest applications of
graphene? (12)
30. Identify the relations among the appropriate physical quantities governing the
following situations and explain the principle behind them.
Where are these
situations employed?
(a) The flow of water through a cylindrical tube of varying diameter.
(b) The flow of current through copper wires of different diameters. (12)
- Answer not exceeding 250 words each
- Each question carries fifteen marks
- Answer any six questions out of eight questions.
31. How Dravidian Languages identity sets apart as distinct languages
from other
Indian Languages? (15)
32. Analyse the role of India in Global Climate Change. (15)
33. Write a note on various steps taken by the Government of India to tackle the
of climate change. (15)
34. Elaborate the various institutional frameworks erected to address the issues in
public life relating to probity and corruption in India. (15)
35. Explain the origin and functions of Central Institute of Classical Tamil. (15)
36. Explain the characteristics of third sectors and analyse its role in providing
care services in the country. (15)
37. Describe in details on various industrial problems of India. (15)
38. Explain about “Tamil Nadu ICT Policy” (Information Communication Technology). (15)
10 ஜூன், 2022
Group 2,
The Tamil Nadu Public service commission has published its Tentative answer key for the group
2 exams .Though The final answer keys will get published in the official website only after the completion of entire selection process.
The Board has also conveyed that All the objections / views received with evidence will be placed
before the Expert Committee for finalization of the answer keys.
1. Key for General English - Click me
2. Key for General Tamil - Click me
3. Key for General Studies - Click me