30 மே, 2023
4.The Gliding Frog (Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus)
The Gliding Frog (Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus) is endemic to the Western Ghats. This species is confined to the rain forests of the Western Ghats and occurs at elevations of greater than 1000m. This species has been recently described in the year 2000.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered.
HABITAT: Rainforests above 1000m altitude.
DISTRIBUTION: Indira Gandhi National Park and surrounding areas of Anamalai hills, Tamil Nadu.
THREATS: Conversion of forested areas for timber and non-timber plantations, and timber extraction activities.
ALSO READ: Four-toed River Terrapin
3. Four-toed River Terrapin or River Terrapin (Batagur baska)
Four-toed river terrapin or Northern River terrapin (Batagur baska) is a critically endangered turtle. The omnivorous diet of the river terrapin and other terrapin species, makes them an essential part of the effi cient clean-up systems of aquatic habitats.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered.
HABITAT: Freshwater rivers and lakes.
DISTRIBUTION: Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Malaysia.
THREATS: Use of flesh for medicinal purposes, demand for eggs, which are considered a delicacy.
ALSO READ: Leatherback turtles.
29 மே, 2023
2. Leatherback Turtles (Dermochelys coriacea)
Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) are the largest of living sea turtles weighing as much as 900 kg. Adult leatherback turtles are excellent swimmers – they swim on an average of 45-65 km a day, travel upto 15,000 km per year and can dive as deep as 1200 m.
Jelly fish are their primary prey. The population spikes of leatherbacks coincide with abundance of
jelly fish, making them important top-predators in marine environments.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered
HABITAT: Tropical and subtropical oceans.
DISTRIBUTION: Found in tropical and temperate waters of the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian Oceans.
THREATS: High sea fi shing operations, harvesting of eggs, destruction of nests by wild species
and domesticated species such as cats, dogs and pigs. Artifi cial lighting disorients hatchlings and
adult and causes them to migrate inland rather than back to the sea. Threats to habitat include
construction, mining and plantation of exotics.
5. BENGAL FLORICAN (Houbaropsis bengalensis)
Bengal Florican is a rare bustard species that is very well known for its mating dance. Among the tall grasslands, secretive males advertise their territories by springing from the ground and fl itting in the air to and fro.
CONSERVATION STATUS: Critically Endangered
HABITAT: Grasslands sometimes intersperesd with scrublands.
DISTRIBUTION: Native to only 3 countries in the world - Cambodia, India and Nepal. In India, it occurs in 3 States namely Uttar Pradesh, Assam and Arunachal Pradesh.
THREATS: Ongoing conversion of the bird’s grassland habitat for various purposes including agriculture is mainly responsible for its population decline.
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